There is a lot of talk about the Long March and restoration of the "essence" of democracy these days. Though this may not be the most "politically correct" time to say all this, I present below my point of view over all this crap.
Quoting Iqbal, (from "Iblees ki majlis-e-shura"). The first advisor to Satan is quoted as saying:
A good point well, my seeing eye hails,Now, we are fighting for such a system of government. Whereas, we should (being the 'learned' elite) fight for the just system - Islam.
No danger too there from a kingship’s veil.
We gave to kingship the masses rule’s dress,
Self conscious now is man with self’s ingress.
The kingship science has a different sense,
It needs not a garb of a monarch hence.
May be Nation’s Council or Kaiser’s court,
A king’s eye craves a foreign land or port.
Didn’t you see western democratic track,
Whose face is shining but inner is black.
Democracy and dictatorship have failed to deliver in our country. Democracy is an object of the elite while dictatorship is destined towards an end. Whenever a dictator takes over, the democrats want to see his back. While, a democracy has never survived its intended tenure.
It is not hidden from anyone how Iqbal has criticized nationalism. Of the greatest idols present in Ka'aba, at the time of ignorance, Hubal was the greatest. Today's Hubal is nationalism. It is a cancer for this Ummah and Muslims. We shouldn't be fighting, then, for democracy should we? We'd rather be fighting for the restoration of a single Islamic government. "Islamic" would have caused some goosebumps to rise up. Now, by the "Islamic Government" I mean the following (at least):-
- Freedom of movement (no passports, no borders).
- Single Economy (based on the Islamic standards of Gold and Silver plus no to Interest in all its forms. The earth's resources are Muslim property).
- Single Military (Pakistan's military supremacy should be useful to the Palestinians, Chechans, Somalians etc. etc. The Nuclear Bomb is surely, an "Islamic Bomb").
- Single Foreign Policy (never repeat - NEVER - what we did to the Palestinians living in Gaza in Dec. 2008).
So, am I discouraging anyone from going to the Long March? No. Join the March for some Rule of Law.
But our struggle shouldn't end here. We shouldn't fall prey to nationalism and democracy. It is our belief that Muslims should live as a Jama'a. If a wealthy country such as Saudi Arabia does nothing to relieve the poor masses in another country, then we will perhaps, be replaced by better people (for the record, I believe that before this year's over, the Sheikhs would become poor; I would pray for this not to happen, though). And in Pakistan's case, we are responsible for the sufferings of all oppressed Muslim nations in the world today because this following Ayah seems to have been sent down specifically for us:-
“And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “O Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”?” [al-Nisa 75]
We Pakistanis - proud and arrogant of our nuclear and missile technology - are responsible for the protection then, of Chechens, Afghans, Iraqis, Gujaratis, Palestinians, and all others because we are the only ones today who have the strength. Do we really want Allah to take this blessing away from us?
Great yar bhatti . . .
I think if at least we should start developing such type of thinking it would be of great worth. . .
I would like to just emphasize your points regarding
1. removal of interest and usury based banking system.
2. A union of Islamic countries, which would be bound to help each other, like NATO of European States. That organization should constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
Impressed bro. . .
I cudnt find time for detailed follow up for time being few comments:
These theories are very good but to realize them will need years or even a decade...
I respect and agree that we need to improve ourselves but we can not deny the importance of the long march.
Democracy is the only possible thing much better than dictators. Khilafat has long way to go! Malaysia has democracy and has islamic rules in several states. Why don't we see the good examples?
We just need good individuals and leaders.
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