(Inspired from the hugs day!!!)
Replace the “Dash” in the title of this article, and you might get a day that is celebrated in one or the other part of the world, literally. You name it and they have it!!!! The “dash” day phenomena is taking the world by a storm.
I heard about this hug day on some news channel. The news really got my attention. The hug day?? Really?? Haven’t the people gone too far in celebrating the so called “days”?? The world “hug” day is actually celebrated officially on the 1st Saturday following the 30th of June. (you can actually hug any person roaming the street with the “free hug” banner!!!).
These “dash” days are huge in number, swarming our life. Mother’s day(second Sunday of MAY), father’s day(3rd Sunday of June), women’s day(8 March), men’s day(19 November), Grandparents day, children’s day(20 November), Labor Day(1 may), valentine day(14 February), friendship day(first Sunday in August), peace day(21 September), Earth Day(22April), April Fool’s day(1 April), this day , that day , and of course the “hugs day” ;)
Some of the more weird ones I found were the Bubble Gum day(1 February), Buy Nothing Day (The day after thanksgiving), International talk like a pirate day(19 September), Ninja Day(% December),Mischief night (30 October),Monkey Day (14 December), No Pants Day(first Friday of May) ,The towel day(25 May).... Is it enough or do you want some more!!!
The question that must arise in one’s mind here is, Do these “dash” days serve any real purpose?? Are they just for fun? Just another time pass??Why do people spend so much time and money in arranging and celebrating these days?? Do they make the impact they intended to make?? Well, I think they DO… they do make a difference. !!
I usually hear people say, “What is the purpose of telling your mom that you love her only on the mother’s day? Cant you tell her this the every other day??doesn’t she deserves your love each single day??” or something like “express your love any time you want, why to do it only on 14th of Feb.??” or “ this children day is crap, if you want to help a child, just go and help him. Don’t wait fort the children day!” and many more comments like this (sometimes back, I supported many of these arguments!!)
These “dash” days (Except for the really weird ones I stated earlier) serve as a stimulus for the people, who sometimes forget that there’s more in this world than there own self. They might not always have an impact on a large scale, but they always do make the small differences. Just for example, on children’s day, if just one thousand people even think that they should help needy children, maybe 10 people will actually do it, and maybe 1 or 2 people make it a habit. Someone’s life might change!!
Everyone is not born to bring a revolution. Just play your part in helping someone. Sometimes, just make someone smile. That my friends, is itself a very big deed.
Happy “dash” day !! :)
the mischief night???
No pants day???
r ya freakin kiddin me???
wiki tau kidher kidher kya kya dhondta phirta hai?
On a serious note I for one agree with you. These days do help people express themselves properly to their loved ones. In this modern age where we say the world is becoming a global village and distances between places are becoming shorter, I think the distances between people are increasing. Everyone wants to have everything. For that he struggles so hard that sometimes he forgets to pay attention to his family and friends. These days such as mothers day, fathers day or valentines day help you express your love to your parents or spouses. If these days are kept to sane levels then I believe these days mean a lot to people. You can get a flower for them everyday but on these days you can make them something very special to make them feel very very special. Your love for them would obviously always be there but these days just give you a special opportunity to express and enjoy that love.
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