Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jamia Hafsa... MY take

This post is meant to shed light on Uzair's post on the same topic.

The Jamia Hafsa tragedy marks a dark day in our history when laws and accountability were abused.

When there are active bordellos running in your locality and prostitution is practiced openly and widely, would you start setting up an army? Or would you rather go to the police? I'd rather go to the police and get an FIR registered against Aunti Shamim rather than let her get an FIR registered against me for abduction.

But things were not as rosy for the people at the said Jamia: high-ups (as Uzair says) were involved.

Prostitution is a centuries old trait that has been practiced in parts of the world. Never in history, was it considered good - men and women were considered chaste if they kept away from such people. But thanks to modernization and an advancement in our thinking, it has taken a more humanitarian picture.

The result: Abduction of prostitutes and pimps will result in the army using the most cruel weaponry against you (chemical weapons including...). So that all those who are thinking of stopping these people, ought to think twice.

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